Next level training:
The Builtech Academy

We need to bring the future to skilled work and skilled work to the future. So, we provide our employees with an education that is theirs forever; using innovative and sustainable learning formats. The training is tailored to different needs, be they that of an expert or a beginner. We do our upmost to ensure that all our skilled workers receive the best possible training and further education that is available in their industry.

Hands-on experience

We are not just about formalized seminars. We like to get our hands dirty. Overcoming challenges and testing skills in real-life situations in an important part of our culture. As is open communication between colleagues and superiors. We are a team who talks.

The professional path

We put new professional perspectives in front of you; from specialist seminars with the necessary technical, commercial and methodological knowledge needed for your professional career, through to mastercraftsman school and management training.

Student to manager, manager to….

All the way through from your student internship to your training – from when you start your career, through your apprentice years and onto your work as a master or manager – our academy will keep lifting you to the next level. We promote exchange and networking with innovative events. Plus, there is the opportunity to head out on Walz 4.0 with us and complete an internship abroad, which will allow you to gain unique and valuable experiences.c

Walz 4.0 in the continent of plenty

We like to look at things differently. We have reimagined the traditional path of skilled workers and offer our employees the opportunity to complete a work assignment abroad lasting several weeks.

Look at our very own Nico and Moritz. They went to Uganda where they demonstrated their craftsmanship on small construction projects and passed their knowledge on to the local people. And got so much more back in return.

Nico in Uganda
Nico gives a hand building a garage
Nico and Moritz on Safari

Questions or requests?

Our academy team will be happy to take care of your query. Write us an email or simply give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.

Tatjana Rabe, Academy Team Leader